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Making office spaces more sustainable: a green revolution in the Benelux?

Research by IWG and Arup shows that hybrid working can (potentially) reduce CO2 emissions by 70% in the United Kingdom and as much as 87% in the United States, mainly by reducing commuting. In the coming years, companies will continue to pursue sustainable solutions, including office locations with flexible leases and energy-efficient, but above all scalable technologies.

The Longstanding Symbiosis Between AV and IT

In recent decades, the rise of IT has revolutionized numerous industries. A current transformation is seen in the world of audiovisual solutions and smart buildings. The integration of IT in these sectors has not only significantly improved efficiency and functionality but also brought new opportunities for innovation and ease of use and management. Smart buildings are a direct evolution of advanced IT systems integrated into the infrastructure (Office365, access management, MTR systems, sensors, etc.) of a building to improve efficiency, safety, and comfort. These buildings use automation and advanced data analysis to optimize a wide range of functions such as workspace occupancy, ventilation, heating, etc.

Hybrid Working Brought Us a Green Revolution

Hybrid working, where employees split their time between the office and working from home, offers many environmentally friendly benefits. It reduces the need for daily car commutes, which in turn leads to lower greenhouse gas emissions. Fewer cars on the road mean less energy consumption, less air pollution, and fewer traffic jams. Hybrid working also helps to reduce the pressure on urban infrastructure. We clearly noticed this a few years ago.

Sustainability and Corporate Image

Striving for sustainability is not only good for the environment but also for the corporate image and retention policy. Consumers and employees increasingly value the environmental friendliness and CSR policy of organizations. By implementing sustainable working practices, companies enhance their brand reputation, customer loyalty, and attract top talent more easily.

Our CSR Policy

Clearly Noticeable: More Office Locations with Sustainable Leases

In the Benelux, we are seeing an acceleration of office locations with sustainable leases more than ever before. These leases go beyond traditional agreements by integrating specific sustainability goals such as energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction. Companies that choose these locations benefit from lower operational costs due to reduced energy consumption and contribute to a lower environmental impact. These sustainable leases often include provisions for green building certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method). These certifications ensure that buildings meet high environmental standards, which is not only good for the environment but also for the health and well-being of employees.

Flexible Spaces That Are Remotely Manageable

The design of meeting rooms plays a crucial role in promoting collaboration and creativity. Companies are investing more than ever in modular furniture, acoustic panels, and creative workspaces that are easily adaptable to different types of meetings. This flexible design increases productivity and creates an attractive working environment. Behind the scenes, we ensure that all systems and equipment function optimally 24/7. We strive to ensure that all devices and software continue to work properly. Ask about our remote monitoring solutions.

More About Spaces

Smart Enough?

A sustainable office encompasses more than just energy-efficient technologies and green leases. Even successful, fast-growing companies today are opting for fewer fixed workplaces. The smart office approach allows you to comfortably spread people out on the work floor. If the office then 'fills up,' you can decide in time to work from home and still reserve your favorite workplace for another day. Other workplace initiatives such as waste separation, recycling programs, and reducing paper usage through digitization also play an important role in your organization.

More About Smart Office

Photos of Assuralia Competence Center - Pami

Organizations continue to focus on reducing their ecological footprint through hybrid working, sustainable leases, and energy-efficient technologies. These efforts are not only essential for preserving our planet but also offer economic benefits and improve the work experience for employees. By investing in these sustainable technologies and green initiatives, companies contribute to a better future while simultaneously achieving business goals that are crucial for a contemporary retention policy.

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