Digital signage

Reach customers, employees and citizens with engaging communications. If you want, you can do it all yourself. Use our designers or customise your templates.

Making Your Content Successful with Digital Screens

Our approach focuses on making your story successful. Instead of starting from a technical perspective, we first try to inventory your needs, desires, and locations together before designing a proposal. Regardless of the size of the project, we support every part of the process from start to finish to ensure that concept and content perfectly resonate with the target audience. Whether it's customers, employees, or citizens, our expertise and experience are extensive enough to identify and engage these targets.

Powerful Group

With the acquisition of Aviniti, Digitopia Group becomes by far the largest Belgian player in this digital market. The synergy between the companies - Digital Signage, Collaboration & AV integration - and the combined expertise offer us the opportunity to further evolve on a European level and offer a complete package to our customers.

All about digital signage

Digital signage

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